________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is a home of relentless chic and great ideas. The long chain mail ceiling pendant above the kitchen is neat and perfect for this borderless space. The great little cut-out at the end of the cooking island allows much gossip and story exchange whilst chef rustles up the dinner. The slate kitchen work top and floor tiles…all excellent choices…plus is it weird to be turned on by a door? The beautiful ash grey door lends style, solid protection and serenity to the mix. The back drop of the eating space is ridonculous. Good ridonculous. Drawing the …
Category: penthouses
Copenhagen Penthouse

Inspire Notes: Messrs Kasper Rønn and Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen of Norm Architects are why we get up in the morning. Their simple pared down aesthetic allows so much more subtle activity to happen that I believe it takes a certain intelligence to see it. There. Now I sound like an interiors snob. I don’t care. To appreciate their work, you have to understand the secretive sophistication of simplicity. Their creation is timeless. It is not trendy. We don’t do trends at THE HOME STYLE DIRECTORY. We expose and comment on them for interested parties, but we extol classic simple elegance …