I have to disagree with the majority of your commenters it would seem. This is for the law courts. people should not be taking the law into their own hands.
Caesar reacted to what he saw. He did the right thing. The man believes punching is okay to do so he got a taste of his own medicine. Whats the problem? Well done Casear! Please write in where he finds the guy again and finishes the job. 😀
I love what you said in your note about the smokes and beer its so true. Animal abusing scum would be really upset if they couldn’t get their smokes and beer.
Yes Caesar did the right thing. It’s just a shame that he had to and yes I know he’s not real but he represents what is happening and more people will respond this way if the powers that be don’t change the law. It is shameful our behaviour to other living creatures makes me sick.
He had it coming.
Street justice.
I think Caesar was right in this case.
Hello do you have a facebook or instagram?
Good job! <3
Law courts.
Caesar was right and law change is needed. Someone in government needs to get off their arse.
I would do the same.
Its not hard to understand Caesars actions.
Love the stories, more please!
Caesar did right
I agree.
Street justice for me!
Thank you for highlighting the unending abuse of animals.
Love what Ceeser did in the puppy story. Hope the puppy makes it. ive just bort a puppy.
Keep up the great work Scruffy! <3
I think Casear was right.
I mean I vote for street justice and the law.
Street and law justice.
Caesar was right.
very cool.
I love your artwork.
And I’m not normally a violent person!
But today it’s okay because of a puppy? You people are crazy.
Caeser should have reversed back on to him when leaving.
I agree
Street justice.
Street justice in this case.
Law courts.
Love the stories. Kim Kardashian looks nice for a change!
I think Caesar was right.
Cesaer did the right thing in my opinion.
“Caesars debating technique” Great stuff!
that list of abuse is crazy.
I hate animal abuse.
I have to disagree with the majority of your commenters it would seem. This is for the law courts. people should not be taking the law into their own hands.
Caesar did the right thing. I think I would have done the same thing.
Caesar for president!
Caesar ftw!
I wish an eye for an eye was the law.
An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.
Hurray for tired and incorrect cliches! There’d almost be no comment boards without them.
ceaser was wrong violence is not the answer.
Then the thug shoudnt be violent.
Caesar reacted to what he saw. He did the right thing. The man believes punching is okay to do so he got a taste of his own medicine. Whats the problem? Well done Casear!
Please write in where he finds the guy again and finishes the job. 😀
I love what you said in your note about the smokes and beer its so true. Animal abusing scum would be really upset if they couldn’t get their smokes and beer.
Waiting for part 2!
So what do you think? Did Caesar do the right or wrong thing in ‘The Puppy Story?’ Street justice or law courts? Read Scruffy’s note here
Love that mostly everyone agrees with Caesars actions. I think most people don’t condone violence its just that enough is enough.
Great job Scruffy!
Street justice. It’s instant its memorable.
That list is appalling. i recognise alot of those stories. The Baby story is one i will never forget. I hope those 2 get theirs.
He did the right thing.
Love Caesar and Valerie!
I vote for street justice and law courts plus a few minutes alone with any animal beating scum.
People are disgusting the list shows this.
People are above animals. fact.
I like Caser when fight.
Caesar did the right thing.
Caesar was right he had little choice. You clearly can’t reason with some people.
I would like to see law change. if the law can’t protect animals or increasingly humans what is it there for?
I cannot fault Ceeser.
Yes Caesar did the right thing. It’s just a shame that he had to and yes I know he’s not real but he represents what is happening and more people will respond this way if the powers that be don’t change the law. It is shameful our behaviour to other living creatures makes me sick.
Caesar did the right thing.
Caesar was right. Didn’t do enough.
That list is disgusting. Judges should hang there head in shame.
were suposed to care of all gods creatures that is why we were put in charge.
I would do the same as Caesar if it were my dog or any dog for that matter.
Aw poor doggie!
Caesar did the right thing.
Caesar was right.
Street justice.
Street justice for me.
Street justice all the way!
Loving all the stories Scruffy!
Valeries clothes are on fleek!
Valerie is cool i love her clothes!
Caesar did right by the puppy.
When is part 2?
Aww poor puppy!
It’s not real its a drawing.
Street justice for me.
Street justice, but the law should be sorted.
That list is shocking.
Poor puppy poor animals. That list is discussting. mkaes me hate human.
Add my name to the Caesar was right camp!
Caesar did the right thing in my opinion.